Ladies and Gentlemen, we have entered
the season of summer. I know the meteorological season doesn't begin
until June 1st and the Astronomical season doesn't begin
until June 21st, but we all know the most important event
that indicates the official start of summer: SCHOOL'S OUT!
I'd like to say we finished out school
year with a bang here at our kitchen table, but we didn't. The truth
is, we hung on by a thread as the work part sort of fizzled out for
the last two weeks, (even while I insisted to them that we were
indeed still on our school day schedule) and I kept planning “end
of year outings” with a halfhearted intent for them to be somewhat
educational. I did have them keep working through their math until
(pretty much) the end, but I think we were all too burnt out to care
by about the second week of May.
Overall we had a good year of
homeschooling. Actually, a really good year. Anja is a very
independent learner, and learns the most without me nagging her to
“do” stuff. So, while we do copywork and handwriting, and
formally learn math and prayers, a lot of science and history is
learned freely through independent reading and then talking more
about it after she tells me excitedly what she's been reading about.
(Greta is much the same, but she is more learning on the coattails of
Anja's research.) It's really a pretty good method, I'm finding out.
It saves me from hearing the grumbles about having to “do”
another subject, and truly, I believe they have learned more
throughout the school year by this method than they would have if I
had strictly followed a guided curriculum in those subjects. Grammar,
spelling and writing structure have been learned entirely through
combined reading and creative writing. I really feel like I've lucked
out. And I worry because Elka does not share quite the level of
enthusiasm for books as her two older sisters, and I wonder how that
will change my methods of schooling for her when she's older. Greta
is stubborn and competitive. She wants to know just as much
information as Anja, so she listens very well, and does indeed
learn... but she doesn't like to do her own research. She does read,
and I find her reading on her own quite a bit (interestingly, I often
find her reading poetry!) but she is a slower reader than Anja. She
probably is at a perfectly age-appropriate level, but since Anja
finished the first Harry Potter book in 2 days, Greta feels like she
is behind, as she still strolls through Frog and Toad at a leisurely
pace. In the end, it doesn't matter—they both have found a learning
groove and luckily I have been able to pick up on how best to
facilitate it. At least in the liberal arts part of schooling...
I'd be curious to know at what point in
history did “math” become a bad word? My kids used to love math.
They used to love to sit down and work out equations or measurements.
They loved learning about counting patterns and Anja figured out on
her own the multiplication tables just by seeing one day how
multiplication worked, while she was adding. But then all of a
sudden, this year, they decided it's just TORTUROUS to do the dreaded
books. Constantly! They thought it was hilarious. They started crying
over simple equations. Where once they saw a challenge, this year
they saw bigger problems as impossibilities. It was maddening!
Is this something they read about? That
because most kids in books don't seem to like math in school, they
are SUPPOSED to hate math? I don't get it. It makes me kind of sad.
Math is not wicked. Math is ok. Math doesn't have cooties. Their math
workbooks are not going to come alive and gobble them up while they
sleep. …...Right?
We'll begin again next year and
hopefully after a good long vacation and with fresh new books, they
will have a renewed enthusiasm for schooling. But for now....
PARTAY!! Any time is sprinkler time! Let's collect worms! Let's go
for a bike ride! Let's bake cookies! Let's try to do this really
dangerous thing before Mama sees us and tells us to stop!
I'm so glad it's summer. I don't even
have the words to describe how happy I am that it's summer. The
warmth and sunshine and long days... The only downside to summer is
that I don't feel like cooking and that the laundry tends to multiply
more quickly with muddy, wet clothes. (I know, I know... don't be a
prudey! Embrace the nudey! But no longer are we surrounded by corn
fields, frown.) I just can't get enough of the green leaves and
colorful blossoms that have finally arrived.
I've gone a little coo-coo for plants
this year.
We're going to have to get professional financial help
because of the deep pit of debt I'm digging for ourselves because of
my plant addiction. Today at the Farmers Market one of my favorite
farms was selling violas as food. “Edible decor” they were
labeled. How could I pass it up? A cute little pot of multicolored
blossoms that are sneakily labeled “edible,” which means I can
sneakily write them into our food budget? Fill up my market basket,
Lady Farmer! But, since I have Greta, who actually started rambling
on and on about how I have too many plants and that I just keep
buying more... (I believe her exact quote was, “Mama! You have a
plant JUST LIKE THAT at home!” And my exact quote back to her was
“Ssshhhhhhhhh, I'll buy you chocolate. Don't say another word.”)
It is true that I might be out of room on all my sun-catching
windowsills. But I don't care. I love my plants.
I'm excited for the months of freedom
ahead. Yesterday I put a tablecloth on the patio table and I've been
working really hard on making the yard a Beautiful Bohemian Oasis,
and I'm telling you, I may not go inside again until September.
Except for tornadoes.
Happy Summering to you!